Monday 6 July 2015


CreativeArts Games   (“CreativeArts”) realizes the importance of protecting information we may collect.
This Privacy Policy governs the webGames and online services operated by the CreativeArts (collectively, the "CreativeArts Games" and, each individually, a "Site").
By accessing and utilizing any of the CreativeArts Games, you are consenting to this Privacy Policy.
This Privacy Policy describes what information the CreativeArts Games collect from users, including children, when they visit the CreativeArts Games; how such information is used and stored; when such information may be disclosed to third parties; how users, parents, and guardians can control the use and disclosure of collected information; and how information is protected.
The CreativeArts Games are maintained by CreativeArts Games  , with address at ١٧ ش تقسيم النميس ـ اسيوط -
We may collect and process "personal information" (i.e. information that could be used to contact you, such as full name, postal address, user name and password, phone number or e-mail address), "demographic and usage information" (i.e. information that you submit, or that we collect, that is not personal information but necessary for the proper functioning of the CreativeArts Games, such as the date regarding the start and end and the extent of your usage of the CreativeArts Games, browser information and your site preferences), or "payment information" (i.e. information that you submit, including but not limited to personal information, that is needed to facilitate compensation for your enjoyment of certain aspects of the CreativeArts Games, such as payment card information), in connection with the CreativeArts Games.
Personal information is used to enable visitors to take advantage of site offerings, respond to visitor’s requests for products, services, and information, manage games and Site functionality, serve appropriate material to visitors and customize content.
Demographic and usage information is used to track the effectiveness of our website and individual sections and pages within them. Some demographic and usage information, such as your IP address, is collected automatically.
Payment information is used to process transactions and donations.
CreativeArts does not collect personal information from you unless you provide it to us. If you choose not to provide any personal information, we may not be able to provide access to certain sections of the CreativeArts Games, fulfil certain requests or complete your order, but you will still be free to browse the other sections which do not require registration. This means that you can visit our site without telling us who you are or revealing any personally identifiable information about yourself. We do not make any association between demographic and usage information and personal information.
IP addresses are not stored, but are temporarily used to determine domain type and, in some cases, geographic region.
If you use a CreativeArts service on or through a wireless device, we may, in accordance with the terms of any applicable agreement with the wireless device carrier (and as allowed by your privacy settings) collect certain information such as your unique device identifier (a number automatically assigned to your mobile or wireless device), device type, and information you choose to provide or share, such as e-mail address (collectively “Mobile Information”).
You agree that we may send push notifications to your mobile device to provide game updates and other relevant messages. You can unsubscribe from receiving such messages at any time and may manage push notifications from within the mobile application. You may also be able to manage them from your device‘s settings page for the mobile application.
We do not ask you for, access or track any precise location based information from your mobile device at any time while downloading or using our mobile app.
Except as expressly provided herein, absent your prior consent, CreativeArts does not sell, rent, give away or share your personal information with any unrelated third parties.
The following describes some of the ways that your personal information may be disclosed in the normal scope of business:
We may access, preserve, and/or disclose the information we collect and/or content you provide to us (including information you may have posted on bulletin boards or internal site communication systems) to a law enforcement institution or other third parties if required to do so by law or with a good faith belief that such access, preservation, or disclosure is reasonably necessary to: (a) comply with legal process and/or requests from governmental authorities; (b) enforce the terms of use of the respective CreativeArts Games; (c) respond to claims that the content violates any applicable law, rule, regulation or rights of a third party; (d) respond to your requests for customer service; or (e) protect the rights, property, or personal safety of the owners of the CreativeArts Games, any user of the CreativeArts Games, a third party or the general public.
We also may disclose user information whenever we believe disclosure is necessary to limit our legal liability; to protect or defend our rights or property; or protect the safety, rights, or property of others. If you have concerns about the conduct of a particular user, please send an electronic mail to with the subject "User Conduct".
We may use third party internal service providers to facilitate or outsource one or more aspects of our business, products and/or the services that we provide to you. Accordingly, we may provide some of your personal information directly to these internal service providers (for example, customer care).
In some instances, the internal service provider may collect information directly from you. In these cases, you will be notified of the involvement of the internal service provider.
If you provide additional information to an internal service provider directly, then their use of your personally identifiable information is governed by their applicable privacy policy.
There are a number of separate services offered by third party external service providers that may be complementary to your use of the CreativeArts Games. If you choose to use these separate services, disclose information to the external service providers, and/or grant them permission to collect information about you, then their use of your information is governed by their privacy policy. With your consent, and for your convenience, we may provide some of your personal information to an external service provider offering such services.
To prevent disclosure of your personally identifiable information to an external service provider, you can decline such consent or simply not use their services. As we do not control the privacy practices of these third parties, you should evaluate their practices before deciding to use their services.
Some CreativeArts Games offer co-branded services and features, such as services, games and promotions that we put together with another company ("Co-Branded Partner").
Such services may be hosted on a Site and/or our Co-Branded Partner's website. We may share your information with our Co-Branded Partner and your voluntary use of or participation in a co-branded service or feature means that you opt-in and affirmatively consent to both the CreativeArts Games and our Co-Branded Partner collecting and using the information you provided during registration and/or in connection with the specific co-branded feature for fulfilment, marketing or administrative purposes. If you wish to opt-out of a Co-Branded Partner's future use of your information for marketing purposes, you will need to contact the Co-Branded Partner directly. The Co-Branded Partner will be identified on the co-branded feature or service.
We may disclose demographic and usage information to those entities that provide us with grants, donations, loans or other types of funding.
In the event that assets relating to one or more of the CreativeArts Games are transferred or sold to another entity as a result of, for example, a corporate sale, merger, consolidation, asset sale, or in the unlikely event of bankruptcy, you acknowledge, consent and agree that information collected at the CreativeArts Games may be transferred to the acquiring company.
Personally identifiable information is stored on our server and is not publicly accessible.
Further, personally identifiable information is only accessed by CreativeArts personnel on a "need to know" basis.
To prevent unauthorized access, maintain data accuracy, and ensure the correct use of information, we have put in place appropriate physical, electronic and managerial procedures to safeguard and secure the information we collect online. Additionally, sensitive data such as credit card numbers are encrypted using SSL and other industry standard measures to provide an additional level of security.
In the unlikely event that an unauthorized third party compromises our security measures, you agree that we cannot be held responsible for any damages caused directly or indirectly by such third party’s viewing, use or dissemination of your information.
You have the right to access, update and correct factual inaccuracies in your personally identifiable information, subject to certain exceptions. If you would like to verify the data we have received from you or to make corrections to it, you may contact us directly at or at the mailing addresses first provided above.
Please list "Change In User Data" in your electronic mail subject line.
Where applicable, you may also edit data directly in a Site’s profile editing section. It is your responsibility to keep this information current, accurate and complete.
Cookies are simple text files stored on your computer by your web browser that provide a method of distinguishing among visitors to the website.
CreativeArts uses cookies to identify your browser as you visit pages on the CreativeArts Games.
Cookies created on your computer by using our website allow CreativeArts to gather anonymous information and do not contain personally identifiable information. Cookies also allow CreativeArts to provide more relevant, targeted content as you travel through the CreativeArts Games as appropriate and are used on our ordering website to keep track of the items in your shopping cart.
For certain online activities, we may require verifiable parental consent before collecting or using personally identifiable information from children under the age of 13.
With these activities, we will notify the respective parents of our privacy policy and obtain verifiable parental consent before collecting personally identifiable information from the child, unless we collect only the child's name and online contact information to:
(1) obtain parental consent or provide parents with notice; (2) respond directly on a one-time basis to a child's specific request; (3) respond more than once to a child's specific request along with providing parental notice of such use; (4) protect the safety of a child; or (5) comply with legal requirements.
When we provide parents with notice and/or seek consent, we also give parents the ability to let us know if they do not want any further use made of the personally identifiable information we have collected from their child.
Parents can request to review or have deleted their child's personally identifiable information from our records, and refuse to permit further use of a child's personally identifiable information by writing to us at with the subject "Parental Information Request".
This website may contain links to other webGames.
Please note that when you click on one of these links, you are entering another site.
We do not endorse these Games and are not responsible for their privacy and data security practices.
We encourage you to read the privacy statements of these linked webGames as their privacy policy may differ from ours.
Some of the CreativeArts Games permit or require you to register or log into your account via a third party social networking platform or permit you to use social media plugins.
When you use these social networking platforms and plugins, your username and password for the services and other information available about you or collected from you on these services may be shared with us.
When you use social networking platforms and plugins, you share your information with them and their privacy policy applies to their collection, use, and disclosure of such information.
In addition, they may be able to collect information about you, including your activity on the CreativeArts Games, and they may notify your connections on the social networking platform about your use of the CreativeArts Games.
Such services may also employ unique identifiers that allow your activity to be monitored across multiple webGames for purposes of delivering more targeted advertising to you.
Please note that their privacy policies may be different from our own and we encourage you to read them.
Some of the CreativeArts Games offer interactive features and services, such as message boards, chat rooms, electronic mail services, comment boxes, messaging services, and member profile pages.
For Games that either are directed to children under 13 or have actual knowledge that a user is a child under 13 years old, we either will obtain the consent of the child’s parent before allowing the child to use these interactive features and services or will use reasonable technical measures to delete all or virtually all personal information from a child’s postings before they are made public and also delete such information from our records.
We use the information collected through interactive features and services to enable you to participate in such features and services.
The CreativeArts Games may offer online contests and other promotions ("Promotions").
To enter these Promotions, you may be required to provide your name and email address and/or additional information required for the operation and management of the Promotions.
On Games that either are directed to children under 13 or where we have actual knowledge that a user is a child under 13, we may collect the child’s e-mail address to enter the child in the Promotion, store such child’s email address for the duration of the Promotion, and use it for notification if he or she is the winner.
For certain Promotions on such Games, we may ask for the email address of the child's parent or guardian to inform the parent or guardian of his or her child's entry and give the parent or guardian the option to have the child's entry deleted.
Changing business practices and circumstances may require that we make changes to this privacy policy from time to time.
Any changes will be reflected on our website.
CreativeArts reserves the right to modify its website and/or this Privacy Policy at any time and users who continue to use and access the CreativeArts Games following modifications are deemed to be apprised of and bound by any such modifications.
Should any material changes be made to the ways in which we use personally identifiable information, CreativeArts will take commercially reasonable measures to notify you. We will also post the changes to our use of personally identifiable information on our site at least 30 days prior to a change.
Our goal is to provide all services to visitors to CreativeArts website in an accessible, efficient and friendly manner while maintaining their privacy. If you have comments or questions regarding privacy, please contact us.
If you have any questions, concerns or comments about privacy at the CreativeArts Games, please send us a description of your concern via e-mail to with the subject "Privacy Issue".

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